create website

In today's digital era, a well-designed and functional website has become essential for businesses of all types and sizes. A website serves as a digital business card and represents your online presence. In this way, you not only reach your customers on site, but also on the Internet and thus increase your sales noticeably.

create website

Why is having a website built is so important these days?

Online Visibility and Accessibility
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A website allows you to be visible online and reachable 24/7. Potential customers can search for your products or services, get information about your company and contact you, regardless of time and place. A website ensures that your business has an online presence and gives you the opportunity to reach a wide audience.

Customer Communication & Interaction
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A website offers you the platform to communicate directly with your customers and to establish an interaction. You can use contact forms, live chat, or social media integrations to answer questions, receive feedback, and fulfill customer requests. Active customer communication strengthens trust, promotes customer loyalty and ultimately improves customer satisfaction.

branding and credibility
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A well-designed website contributes to branding and gives credibility to your business. Professional design, quality content, and a clear representation of your brand can help build trust with potential customers. A strong online presence gives the impression that you are a reputable company and that you care about your customers' needs.

Marketing and customer acquisition
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A website serves as an effective marketing tool to attract new customers and present your business. You can optimize your website for search engine optimization (SEO), create content that appeals to your target audience and run digital marketing campaigns to increase traffic to your website. A well-designed website allows you to attract potential customers and ultimately generate conversions.

Competitive Advantage & Differentiation
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A website gives you a competitive edge and allows you to stand out from the competition. In today's digital world, customers expect companies to have a website. If your competitors have an online presence and you don't, potential customers might overlook you and switch to your competitors. A well-designed website makes you stand out and gives you the opportunity to showcase your uniqueness and unique selling proposition.

Increase in sales not only on site
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A professional website is an effective tool to increase your sales. By being online and available 24/7, potential customers have the opportunity to search for your products or services and get information about your business. A website allows you to expand your customer base and maximize your sales potential. Take advantage of a professional online presence and see how your website can help increase your sales.

Was können wir zu ihrem Erfolg beitragen?

Unser umfassender Dienstleistungsumfang beinhalten z. B. die Registrierung einer Business-Domain (.com, .de, sowie die Erstellung einer individuell gestalteten Website, einschließlich E-Commerce-Integration für einen Shop. Wir optimieren die Website für Tablet und Handy, bieten E-Mail-Accounts und ein SSL-Zertifikat, erstellen ein rechtssicheres Impressum und Datenschutzrichtlinien und unterstützen Sie bei Änderungswünschen, wenn Sie die monatliche Betreuung wünschen. Darüber hinaus bieten wir Premium-SEO mit On-Page-Optimierung, die Erstellung von Grafiken und erweiterten Texten, Speed-Optimierung der Website sowie die erweiterte Integration von Drittanbieter-Tools wie Newsletter-System und Blog. Natürlich dürfen die Social-Media-Kanäle nicht fehlen, die wir für Sie erstellen und bei Wunsch auch betreuen. Alles aus einer Hand.

Diese Produkte können Sie auch einzeln bestellen.

Boost your existing website with individual components now.

SEO Optimization
SEO Optimization
ab 199,00 €
logo design
graphic design
ab 149,00 €
Speed Optimization
Speed Optimization
ab 199,00 €
ab 24,99 €*

*Preis gilt pro Monat, jederzeit monatlich kündbar zum Ende des Monats.
Alle Preise verstehen sich zzgl. der gesetzlichen MwSt. von 19 %. Es gelten unsere Terms and Conditions.


A website is a collection of webpages accessible over the Internet. Websites can be created by companies, individuals or organizations. They are used to provide information, sell products or provide services.

Websites are an important tool for communication and information sharing. They can be used to contact customers and business partners, to advertise products and services, to provide information about a company or organization and much more.

If you want to create a website, it is important to make it SEO-optimized. This means that you should design the website in such a way that search engines like Google and Bing find it well. You can do this by using relevant keywords in your website's URL, meta tags, and title. You should also write quality content that is relevant to your target audience.

A well-optimized website is a valuable tool to reach more customers and increase your sales.